Helping Elderly With Mobility Issues? Are Suction Grab Handles Safe On Bathroom Tiles?

Helping Elderly With Mobility Issues? Are Suction Grab Handles Safe On Bathroom Tiles?

Do elderly members of your family need mobility aid? Are you looking for creative ways to make their lives easier? Are you wondering whether suction cup grab handles on bathroom tiles are a safe option? This blog post is for you.

1) Better than nothing

Before we dig deeper into the topic, let’s agree on this point that they are better than nothing. If you don’t have any other option to provide support and can’t install any other accessory then these handles are a must. They can also be a useful option if you want the mobility to support a short period of time. You will end up spending a lot less money and also save your time dealing with plumbing services. And also prevent damage to the walls! They can be lifesaver if you have to spend time at a place where you can’t make modifications. 

2) The type of surface matters

The suction grab handles can be a safe option if you install them on a flat surface. Otherwise, water can enter the cups and air can leak, causing a reduction in the section. So the suction grab handles can pop off. So before allowing someone with 

mobility issues, make sure you clean the cups and the wall and then reapply them if you think they are affected by water.

3) Don’t expect too much

You can always be on the safe side if you understand the purpose for which the suction grab handles are designed. You should not expect too much from them because they are not designed to carry the whole weight of your body. They are designed to provide extra support and allow you to have balance. So if you don’t pull them with your whole body weight, the chances of them popping off reduce.

4) You can install more than one

The good thing about the suction grab handles is that they are cost-effective and easy to install. So you can install more than one of these handles near each other which can allow a person with mobility issues to use both hands and transfer the weight more efficiently. So having two options is safer than when you have to rely on only one suction grab handle.

5) Test before relying on them

The best way to know how much weight your suction grab handles can bear is to try it yourself. Before allowing someone with mobility issues to use them, you can try to pull them to see how strong they are. And then you can communicate with elderly members about how much they can rely on them. The type of surface may affect the strength of the suction, so the testing can help you make sure the handles are properly attached to the wall. 

So if you consider all points mentioned in this post, it may be safer for you to use suction grab handles. 


Sing3D Anti-Slip Bathroom Suction Cup Handles, (Shop Now)

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